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Quarantine diaries, day 1

 Can't say that I was surprised to get Covid, considering how many flights and trains I've been on. It still sucks that the very last leg of the journey was not according to plan. oh well! Thank you rapid tests from Germany. 

Technically the first day of quarantine was yesterday when I did the rapid test. It was stressful as I mis-read the results initially and thought I was negative. Then when the faint red line started to appear I had to rush to a clinic to confirm the results. Poor my sister had to see me while I was unmasked. 

Anyway today I woke up early because I was still somewhat jet lagged. I emailed people at the office that I have Covid and will be staying away for a while. Then I binged the entire 2.5 hours of this Japanese show called "My beautiful man". The lead actor is indeed very beautiful. Then I did my finance updates to see how much money I have left after my shopping spree in Sweden, and I un-packed and re-packed my loot so that I have more space in my sister's room. 

Then around 2.30 pm I fell asleep until 7.30 pm. Might have been the Covid sickness but also the jet lagged. Then I sluggishly ate some dinner and took a shower. I actually started to feel a bit better after the shower and did some skin care to feel more comfortable. I also haven't lost any sense of smell yet so I used some rose perfume I got to feel nicer. Then I tried to do yoga to sleep again, but I will probably end up watching shows until my circadian cycle gets back to normal. I didn't have much success with yoga since my mind kept wandering to stress, but I will try again tomorrow if my sickness doesn't get worse.
