Recently, I finished this movie, "Behind Cut", about an aspiring fashion designer and a delivery boy. Something about the movie really clicked with me, and it felt like by chance, I've been given a message to reflect on my life. The movie repeats a few times the symbol of a signal light at an intersection. Being a transportation engineer, I look at these things all the time at work. But in the context of this movie, the signal symbolizes moments in life where you can make a decision to go or stop. Yes, the light is telling you to go or not, but it's still your decision. In one scene, the boys talk about how they're stagnant in life and they don't know what their next steps would be. The fashion designer, Ji Kin, is still uncertain about how to make a brand for his design. The delivery boy, Yeong Woo, feels like he doesn't have any opportunities do anything different. Later in the movie, Ji Kin struggles to decide whether he should take the chance to go t...