(originally posted on 2/5/2012)
When a girl turns 19, she free falls. (void)
When a girl turns 19, she free falls. (void)
Step outside the house, put on heels, a short dress;
Find someone (male or female);
Do her hair in a sexy;
Wish herself the best of luck;
Then free fall (let go);
Not a woman nor a girl. (answer?)
Count the number of times she falls in love;
Record the length of time she is in love;
Measure the days she misses someone;
Paint her blue days, and wash her grey days;
Look through her playlist, highlight the love songs;
Read her books, find her dreams;
And you will know if she is a woman,
or a girl;
Does she cry at night, does she smile?
Does she look out the window and listen to the Weeknd?
She asks for cocktails instead of a shot, or does she forget her night?
What does she wake up with? A spoonful of happiness, a dose of drowsiness, a pile of work, a sharp thought of someone she loves?
The beauty of 19 is the free fall. The algorithm of age and maturity is void. The life before 19 is invalidated. No ground below, and no one to hold her back.
She free falls into this world.
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